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Background. For you non British residents, to cut a long story short I will give you an idea of what happened.

The French had a strike from the truckers and boaters due to the raising prices of fuel, they didn't want to pay. This disrupted people crossing the channel i.e. British tourists trying to get back to their "hollyland", ready for the new school year.

During this time us in the UK where paying around £0.85 per litre, around £0.15 more than our European pals.

So British truckers blocked the roads, but laws in Britain are strict about this and they had to move on. So fuel tanker drivers went on strike and refused to transport the fuel around the country. Basically

Now it's all very well for the people to say "I have 3 kids to look after, I don't want to pay this much", but the long term effects are scary.

They basically want to burn more petrol/desiel for less. But then what happens?

Problems for the govenment. The price of oil is around £25 per barrel, by reducing the price of fossil based fuels the money would need to come off the tax; this would mean less money for the govenment to spend on the public (oh yes and weapons to protect the UK...yes from all all those bad countries they haven't already bombed :( )

Problems in the long run. Ok the benfits for people would be quite immediate but short lived since the economy would adjust and absorb the change.

The effects on the enviroment can never be reversed :( is this something the British don't care about? this probably because all our harmful gases get carried over to the Netherlands and we don't get yellow trees and lakes full of dead fish.

Also with all these carbon emissions there is a danger of the ice caps completely melting making Britian an equivilant of greenland in winter (I wonder how many of those small minded truckers know that huh?)

What could be done? Perhaps the major govenments could create and initiative for a body to fine companies who don't drastictly improve effiency of their products and manufacturing like cars, washing machines, computers and so on.

Also and an extra cost to the price of petrol which would either goto this world fuel body, devolping countries to bring them to the same standards as the western world, but with high tech energy effienct extraction.

Or used to come up with some clearing operation.

What can the indivual do? Simply use the car as little as possible, boil only enough water you need, reduce water outlet valve in the toilet. Use your noggin'


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UK fuel
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